The system of homeopathic medicine was introduced to the world by a German scientist Dr. Samuel F. Hahnemann during the years 1793-96. The bicentenary of homeopathy is being celebrated this year. On the 10th of April, it is the birth anniversary of Dr.Hahnemann celebrated as World Homeopathy Day. One of the most leading contemporary homeopaths George Vithoulkas says about Dr.Hahnemann: With time, I am certain that this man will rank as one of the greatest in history, alongside such giants of discovery as Einstein, Newton, and Hippocrates. In this article, Dr.Rajesh Shah gives a bird's eye view of Dr.Hahnemann's exceptionally remarkable contribution to the medical world.
Homoeopathy is based on Nature's Law of Cure. Namely Similia Similibus Curantur which means likes are cured by likes. Homoeopathy was discovered by a German Doctor Samuel Hahnemann in 1796 and proven clinically and experimentally for more than 200 years. It’s very safe simple and scientific way of treatment. Plants, minerals, animal products, natural substances are used to prepare homoeopathic medicines. Homoeopathy does not treat the diseases but instead the patient as a whole both mentally and physically.
Conventional Medicines prescribed for most ailments have the propensity to help only temporarily and lean towards suppressing the disease or its symptoms, rather than cure them.
E.g., If you suffer from nasal allergies, drugs that suppress your immune response to those allergens will be prescribed. Similarly, a child or adult suffering from ‘Allergic Asthma’ will be given bronchodilators and immunosuppressants.
We need to recognize that a person gets afflicted by disease due to an inherent tendency (disposition) to develop that disease. Not everyone exposed to allergens or cold drafts develop allergies & colds respectively, and nor does every child exposed to humid weather and pollution develop asthma.
This inherent disposition to develop certain diseases is a part of your constitution. As homeopaths, we stress on treating the person as an entity (constitution) and not the presenting condition as a stand-alone disease. Your temperament, likes/dislikes, past medical and family history, genetic predisposition, etc. which make up your constitution, indicates the homeopathic remedy capable of curing your ailment.
When a person’s constitution is homeopathically treated not only can the expressed disease be resolved immediately, the tendency (disposition) to develop that disease can also be minimized. Therefore, when an allergy is homeopathically treated the medicines help by relieving the immediate symptoms of the allergy (sneezing, fever, etc.) as well as improve our innate, immune response to the allergens. Over time, you will resist those allergens and environmental factors without the use of medication.
In short,
If you are…
1. A victim of chronic problems,
2. Suffering from long-lasting ailments,
3. Affected by repeated relapses & remissions
And Probably
Tried conventional remedies which only
1. Help temporarily or superficially,
2. Produce unwanted side effects,
3. Weaken our immune system
homeopathic medicines can….
1. Boosts your body’s natural healing response
2. It Will not suppress your immunity,
3. It Will help by avoiding any side effects,
4. Can reduce and prevent relapses,
5. And is safe for children & infants.